Empowering Success in College, Career, and Personal Development

At Simpson Education Consulting, we focus on more than just education; we are believers in potential. Our commitment is to foster student success through a holistic approach that encompasses our three key pillars of success: college, career, and personal development.

Three Pillars, One Goal: Comprehensive Student Success

  1. College Readiness: Our services span the entire spectrum of the college experience, from navigating admissions and securing scholarships to excelling in academics. We understand the nuances of college preparation and are dedicated to guiding students every step of the way.

  2. Career Advancement: Beyond college, we focus on career development, offering insights and strategies for success in the professional world. Our experience helps students transition smoothly from academia to career, equipping them with the skills needed for post-graduation success.

  3. Personal Growth: At the heart of our philosophy is the development of people. We emphasize student organization involvement, public speaking, and leadership skills, fostering well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive impact in their communities.

Experience and Expertise: A Dual Advantage Our team's real-world experience, both as former college students and as professionals in the educational sector, provides our clients with a unique advantage. This dual perspective gives us an in-depth understanding of the college system, enabling us to offer advice and strategies that truly make a difference.

Embark on Your Journey with Us Discover how our comprehensive approach to the student lifecycle can pave the way for your success. Learn more about our services and how we can assist in your journey of college, career, and personal development.

“All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent.”

— President John F. Kennedy

College Success

College is revolutionary and can take you places! Whether you’re exploring the right college, prepping to apply, or finding ways to pay for college, we’re you’re go-to group! Learn more about our college success programs here.

Career Success

Think about what lights your soul on fire, and turn that into a career! We can support you in career exploration, resume and cover letter reviews, and interview prep! Let’s chat about your career goals and how we can help.

Personal Growth

The heart of everything we do comes back to people! We’ll help students with governing documents, professional development presentations, leadership development & conflict resolution, and more. Let’s set up your people & organization for success!